Colorado Association of School District Energy Managers
Dynamic Safety Services Corporation
[_private/sidebar.htm] Dynamic Safety Services Corporation


To: All CASDEM Members
From: Jack Dempsey, May 6, 2002

Now that we are at the end of our school year and very little to do. I thought we could tackle a few things. Woa! Just kidding!

First, thanks for the opportunity to work with you all a little closer. A special thanks to Tom for doing a great job last year and Ralph for amending our By-Laws. Second, I will need lots of help if we are to accomplish our goals.

This year is full of opportunities and changes. The following list, as I understood from our last meeting (5-2-02), represents some of the things we will try to accomplish.


  • Participate in the CASBO Fall Conference
  • CASDEM Members meeting agenda
  • Secure speakers and vendors
  • Distribute Conference Announcements
  • Provide TRACKS for conference attendees
  • Provide the CASBO organization with an official statement regarding our commitment to their organization.
  • Provide a way to encourage membership in CASBO.


  • CASBO partnering
  • CASDEM WEB page design and information
  • CASDEM Logo design
  • Executive committee members


  • PSCo rate case (NEW K-12 rate)
  • PSCo problem solutions (billing, engineering, customer service, etc.)
  • Target use for the OEM&C operational budget
  • Survey members to see what topics they would like addressed CASBO speakers. (Lighting, Temperature control, DDC, HVAC Systems, motor efficiency, etc.)
  • Discuss the usefulness of a "lessons learned" standard agenda item.

2002-2003 Meeting Schedule:

  • September 26th or 27th, 2002 at CASBO conference
  • November 7th, 2002 January 2, 2003 (This date may have to be changed to accommodate activities associated with returning after the holiday break)
  • March 6th, 2003
  • May 1st, 2003

Note: There may be a need to call special meetings in order to support our committees.

The WEB page will prove very beneficial to our organization. For instance the meeting schedule and location will be available there. We all owe our thanks to Linda Smith and the OEM&C -- and to Tom MacDonnell for his work -- for providing such a valuable tool.

Thank you all for you participation and interest in energy management. This is your organization feel free to express your concerns and needs.

- Jack

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